3 hours
"1-1" or group formats


"I invite you to join three-hour group meeting where we will explore 5 different body and soul states through dance.
This does not mean that you must know specific dance movement. I will use music as an instrument to let you touch different kinds of our states. We will study how these states affect our life, how we can touch these states in our experience and where we can use them.

We experience each of these states in our lives, I mean such rhythms-states as chaos, staccato, stillness, lyrical, flowing.

We will explore all these states via living them through body experience, and they will be deposited at the level of our experience, and with the help of discussions on how you will experience it, we will also save it at the rational level. This two-oriented approach will allow you to return to that experience when it's necessary.

Practical example:
I dance Argentine tango, and when there is time to join the partner in the couple and I do not feel relaxed, I recall the state of "lyrical". I have images which come from my memory and the body is automatically involved/turned on this state. I remember what it's like to be easy, to move as if I fly.

When there is a lack of lightness in our life, it's not enough to just try to receive the state only via words, it does not work this way. We need to feel it somewhere so that our brain can take this experience from somewhere. Once touching this expirience from memory, the body gets to be light and responsive.

I invite you to join 3hours dance-movement session "5 rythms"

Participant's feedbacks:


"a lot of life..."


"I'm glad I got here!"


"I became more connected with my body via each rhythm.."

"It was healing!"

"I noticed my control and finally relaxed..."


"flowing is a bliss.."

"at first I thought that flowing was not for me, but now I see that I did not allow myself to be more smooth before"
"I can be different..."
"I found my spontaneity"
"I exist!"

Frequently Asked Questions (click the titles below to see details)

Where this event will be performed?

I'm searching for the place and will provide the information at least 1 day before the group event

When will the event be performed?

Please, contact me for information about nearest date for this event

How much will I pay for the event?

  1. individually: 40$/per 1 hour
    group format: 40$ per 3 hours. 
  2. you have to send pre-payment in order to confirm your participation
  3. Once you confirmed your participation, the rest fee you can pay afterwards

*pre-payment is refundable only if the meeting is cancelled by trainer

How can I apply for the event?

  1. You can click the button "Join the group" here on this site or contact me directly
  2. We will have ~ 15 minutes online conversation to be aquainted and making clearity of furhter details
  3. We will make arrangements on suitable date/time. I will rent the space
  4. Finally we will meet and dive into practice.I will accompany you thisfascinating experience!

What should I bring with me on the group?

- come in a suitable, comfort clothes

- bring the notebook or list of paper in order to make notes

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